About Xen Randell
Want to know more about me?
From the moment I tentatively trudged through my first books and fell in love with the fantastic worlds hidden among the ink-stained pages, I knew it would become my salvation.
But, reading wasn’t enough. The pull of the stories bubbling inside of me was too great to ignore, and despite my conviction that I wasn’t a good writer, eventually, they won. I started writing short stories while playing literary role-playing games with my fellow reader friends, and soon it became evident it wouldn’t be enough.

The Wave of Silence pushed its head out of the black chaos of my thoughts one very cold day in my hometown Pula, as a thin layer of snow slowly bacame thicker, fat flurries stinging my face as the wind blew them around. Snow, you see, is an extremely rare occurrence in this country of mild winters.
I was standing in front of a building I’ve just moved into and staring into the rusty door of an old Austro-Hungarian shelter. The wenty-five year old memories emerged from the murkines of the past. I was only seven years old when I've spent a couple of hours inside of the shelter during our national war, while the sirens wailed outside.
The memory wasn’t an unpleasant one, this part of our country never truly hit by the war, and to my child mind, it was all a game. The flashes of the underground, cavernous and labyrinth-like shelter, however, spurred ideas.
The rest I can thank to our rich history, local myths, and legends. Unbeknownst to most, Istria, our province, has the first-ever documented vampire. Mr. Jure Grando was accused of being a štrigun. Štrigun or strigon is our local, old word for a warlock, creatures often thought to raise from their graves and suck blood from young maidens. Poor Mr. Grando’s widow lived in fear of the nights in which he would raise from his grave and terrorise her and the rest of the villagers.
I used strigon idea and moulded it into shapes I desired, added my love of science into it and the endless puzzle the universe is, and voila! The Wave of Silence series came to life.
The rest is to be seen. The future holds endless possibilities, and my mind a never-ending supply of ideas.
Stay tuned for more fantastic stories and as of yet untold worlds.
Present and future projects
The Wave of Silence trilogy is finished, though the World and its characters will go on. The series doesn't end with the third book, but a sort of conclusion was achieved.
Fury Within is the first book in the new series, Creators of Equilibrium. It's a Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romance / Science Fiction series that has at least 3 books ready to be published or written, with possibly many, many more to come. Next in the series is "Searing Skies", followed by "Scorched Earth".
I have in preparation another two series in the Paranormal Romance / Urban Fantasy genre, as well as other genres. Follow me for more good reads!
Xen Randell